Maggie FowlerComment

Winter Wedding | Birmingham Wedding Photographer | Cailin and Xan | Margaret Taylor Photography

Maggie FowlerComment
Winter Wedding | Birmingham Wedding Photographer | Cailin and Xan | Margaret Taylor Photography

I knew from the moment I met Cailin and Xan for their engagement shoot they had something special! I've known Cailin since middle school band and I was so thrilled she asked me to be a part of this special season in her life!! Xan however was a new face and I immediately saw the sparkle in her eyes for him. It could have been their contagious laughter or easy going personalities, but I think it was when Xan said "Whatever you want, love." So, so sweet!

Their wedding day was a cool, breezy December and only 9 days away from Christmas! It was our final 2017 wedding, and sure was a great one to tie up the year!! They got married in a beautiful church. I mean BEAUTIFUL! And we sang a few Christmas hymns which brought tears to my eyes (maybe it was the postpartum baby hormones) but there was something so peaceful and warm about everyone singing in unison. Next, it was on to Woodrow Hall where everything was decorated with books as their center pieces, comic characters on top of the cake, and a Harry Potter book to sign as the guest book. It was completely Cailin and Xan, and we loved it!! As we waved goodbye, the guests threw fake snow and the honeymooners were off! Thank you for letting us celebrate your day!! We were so excited to be a part of it!