Birmingham Family Session | Birmingham Family Photographer | Margaret Taylor Photography

Birmingham Family Session | Birmingham Family Photographer | Margaret Taylor Photography

Spring is one of my most favorite times to photograph families! The changing blooms, fresh cut grass, warmth of summer, and curious, exploring minds of littles during the session. Here are 2 families from a new spot this spring. I can’t wait to get back here with more families this summer!

First up, the Byrd family! I’ve photographed both Noah and Emma’s milestones from newborn to their first birthdays. I can’t believe Noah turned 5 years old last month! Time sure has flown but I love getting to see them each season and watching them grow!

Throwback to their first session with me… Check out Brittany’s maternity session!

Next family, the Moulders! This was their first session with their one year old, Wren. She was a little hesitant but quickly warmed up to the camera! You can tell this girl adores her Mama and Daddy. Check out a few favorites in the same location!