Maggie FowlerComment

Brooklyn | 6 Month Milestone Session | Birmingham Baby Photographer | Margaret Taylor Photography

Maggie FowlerComment
Brooklyn | 6 Month Milestone Session | Birmingham Baby Photographer | Margaret Taylor Photography

One popular question is “What Milestone Sessions should I schedule for my baby’s first year??” Babies change so much and the pressure to capture your baby’s first year can seem daunting. So pick 3 sessions: newborn, 6 month and 1 year or newborn, “sitting”, and 1 year. To me, these are the perfect milestones where your baby learns to sit, crawl, grab their toes, and eventually stand! It’s always so special seeing these baby’s grow their first year. Here’s Brooklyn’s 6 month session (we actually photographed around 7 months). I love seeing the difference between her newborn and this session! Take a peek below at this sweet girl!

Want to see more of this family? Check out Brooklyn’s newborn session linked below…