Maggie FowlerComment

Spring Wedding in Fort Payne, AL | Lauren and Dylan | Alabama Wedding Photographers | Margaret Taylor Photography

Maggie FowlerComment
Spring Wedding in Fort Payne, AL | Lauren and Dylan | Alabama Wedding Photographers | Margaret Taylor Photography

We drove up to the prettiest white house I'd ever seen with a gorgeous fountain out front, and wedding details being prepped for Lauren and Dylan! Lauren's former family she used to nanny for, hosted the girls that morning and the reception that evening! Yall. It was stunning!

Lauren in white, and the girls in black robes everyone was in such great spirits when we arrived. We hung her dress and grabbed her details for some shots before getting Lauren into her dress! Soon it was time to see her Dad... the first man who loved her and still loves her with all of his heart (I've never captured so many sweet emotions from a Daddy!). Then we did a bridesmaids reveal which is always so fun! I loved how all the girls were absolutely adoring Lauren! I mean, she looked amazing!! 

After bridesmaids pictures, we headed to the church where the guys were doing their photos and Dylan was getting ready to see his bride! When the time came, he turned around with the biggest smile! And then they stood together and did something so special.. they prayed. They had a moment of quiet to soak it all in and Dylan whispered a prayer in Lauren's ear. So sweet! Soon after their portraits, it was time for everyone to "hide" before the ceremony. The wedding party led separate prayers as so many emotions filled the room. I just knew their ceremony would be so special after that! Guests filled the chapel and the band sang. It was so much more than a ceremony, it was a service and something we all needed! Everyone sang in unison, took communion, and watched as Lauren and Dylan became one. 

Then it was on to a fun reception! Under a white tent, in the backyard, surrounded by friends and family- Lauren and Dylan danced, cut cake, and danced some more! We all waved farewell as they lit paper lanterns into the night sky! (Probably the coolest exit ever!!) Congratulations you two!! I'm so happy I was a part of it all!